UPDATE: This is sold. Email mark@mas-effects.com if you'd like to have one made for you (with your choice of colors, graphics, knobs, etc).
Add some warm, touch sensitive drive to your chain. With two gain stages, it ranges from clean boost to crunchy overdrive, and really shines when in front of an amp at the edge of breakup.
This is an expertly hand-crafted (point to point wired), one of a kind, valvecaster tube preamp / overdrive guitar pedal.
It's been optimized to work with both single coils, humbuckers, and sounds best at 9-18V with a 12au7 (not a 12ax7 or 12at7).
In addition to gain, tone, and volume controls, you have:
- Clipping switch: between no clipping, Si diodes, and LEDs. Diodes are socketed for even more flexibility.
- Tone circuit can be switched off. This sounds better with some rigs, for a lot of people
- Switchable between 10nF and 47nF input capacitor.
- Switch between regulated 9V to reduce hum with some power supplies, or bypass the on-board regulator and run 9-18V (note running over 9V is likely to shorten the life of the tube).
Requires center negative power supply, not included.